Program as PDF

All day long (10:00-17:00)

Auer & Co and First Floor
All day

Discover our diverse and vibrant community!

All day

Take a moment to relax and enjoy a massage from Think Balance.

Pre-Booking possible here

Discover our delicious snacks and drinks at Auer&Co or enjoy some tacos from our community member Primo Tacos

from 17:30 Uhr

Enjoy music from Jack Zhoul and Despina

10:00 – 11:00 Uhr

Community Salon
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
by Lorenzo Bagordo from Patagonia

Why are Impact Hub Zurich and Patagonia Switzerland having a partnership?

Patagonia Sales Representative Lorenzo Bagordo will tell a little bit about Patagonias brand values the story of how both parties met, about the evolution of this concept and the realisation of the refurbished Viadukt Bogen E.

Technology challenges and solutions in the applied circular construction, building and furniture sector.

C2, Colab
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
by Claudio Romano and Leana Fischer from Panter and reverse

After developing some digital platforms together with industry partners, we as Panter see similar challenges especially around data recording, input and management for the specific features of re-used products (condition, current location, owner/vendor/lessor) as well as potential benefits from AI applications (e.g., image recognition, data analysis).

WHAT: Round table discussion with Claudio Romano and Martin Mächler from Panter AG, Andreas Oefner from Zirkular and Leana Fischer from reverse ag. 

FOR WHOM: Circular and Re-Use Provider, Experts and Enthusiasts in the field

Couch Corner, Colab
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
by Cécile Simoness from OOMNIUM

Wir zeigen dir praxisnah, wie du das Wachstum deines Unternehmens über die Menschen finanzierst, die es am besten kennen und dir am nächsten stehen: Mitarbeiter*innen, Kund*innen, die Community und alle, die Teil davon werden wollen.

Wir stellen dir unsere Expertise zur Verfügung und erarbeiten im Workshop gemeinsam die Grundlagen für deine Community-basierte Wachstumsfinanzierung.
Du profitierst von der Schärfung der eigenen Value Proposition und gewinnst Klarheit über dein Community Potenzial – was die Basis für deine Crowdinvesting Kampagne bildet.

Dieser Workshop richtet sich primär (aber nicht ausschliesslich) an Gründer*Innen von operativen Unternehmen mit einem community-basierten Geschäftsmodell.

Loft Corner, Colab
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
by Christian Dollfus and Carina Holzapfel from CEEX

In a world craving sustainable solutions, it’s crucial to embrace the evolving energy landscape for a brighter, cleaner future.

“The Power of Change: Energy Future 2.0 with CEEX” dives into the latest energy trends, technologies, and policies. Explore how energy communities are forming the future of Switzerland, fostering innovative and collaborative approaches to sustainable energy.

This talk is for everyone who uses energy—so see you there 🙂

Chill-Out Area, Colab
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
by David Perry from PURECOACH

Enhance your decision-making and leadership skills in this 45-minute workshop, which focuses on mastering key moods from resentment to wonder to boost your emotional intelligence.
Learn to navigate these moods strategically to improve your personal effectiveness and professional interactions, using practical techniques for greater emotional agility and insight.

11:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Community Salon, Colab
11:00 – 12:00 Uhr
by David Furrer and Eric Anderegg from LLM Training

After providing a brief theoretical overview of Large Language Models (LLMs) and GPT, we will present you leading techniques and tools that will help you optimize your usage of ChatGPT and other Generative AI tools.
Finally, we’ll discuss some interesting LLM use cases.

C2, Colab

Wie eine Firma durch Verantwortungseigentum sich selbst gehört und langfristig ihren Purpose garantiert
11:00 – 12:00 Uhr
by Selina Hotz from Purpose Schweiz


WHY & WHAT? Hast du schon von dem international wellenschlagenden Eigentumsmodell ‘Verantwortungseigentum’ (English: Steward Ownership) gehört?

Purpose Schweiz hilft Unternehmen durch Steward Ownership dauerhaft unabhängig und sinnorientiert zu bleiben. Sie ermöglicht den Purpose einer Unternehmung stets über die kurzfristige Profitmaximierung zu stellen und die Unabhängigkeit in der DNA der Firma zu verankern – und dies auf rechtlicher Basis. Prominente Beispiele sind u.a. Patagonia, Neue Narrative und auch Impact Hub Member Crowd Container. Verantwortungseigentum ist eine neue Eigentumsstruktur für Unternehmungen, welche zentral ist für eine grundlegende Transformation der Wirtschaft in Richtung Verantwortung und Sinnhaftigkeit.

FOR WHO? Diese Session ist für Gründer*innen und Unternehmer*innen, welche sich dafür interessieren mehr darüber zu lernen wie man eine Firma nachhaltig und sinnorientiert in ihrer Grundstuktrur aufstellen kann, und welche Probleme dies von Grund auf tilgt.

HOW? Selina von Purpose Schweiz stellt euch das 1×1 von Steward Ownershio vor und weshalb dies das Potenzial hat, unsere Wirtschaft zum Positiven zu transformieren. Für alle eure Fragen und Diskussionen wird es ausreichend Raum geben.

Couch Corner, Colab
11:00 – 12:00 Uhr
by Carolin Schneider from The ppl.Kickstarter by 4di2

Did you know that there is more to team culture than “we like each other and work along well”?

In this workshop, we will look at the 4 pillars of team culture and how a founder (team) is shaping their startup’s culture from day 1.

Then we’ll dive into our own personalities and preferences “at work” with a scientific values test we do right there and then.

Finally, we will take a close look at what we’ve just learned and our own results to articulate core values for 1-2 volunteers in a sprint.

This workshop is for founders who take a strong interest in building a company that let’s people thrive and grows on a solid baseline of trust, management, and performance at the same time.

(NOTE: To participate in the values test, please bring a device with a browser and connection to the internet. Your individual results will be emailed to you after submission.)

Loft Corner, Colab
11:00 – 12:00 Uhr
by Evgenia Tsianou from DISSCO Dissemination-Science-Communication

A workshop to playfully experience the concepts of commons and natural resources. We play the famous game ‘musical chairs’, similar to the one played at a kid’s party, where everyone competes for a seat when the music stops. In our daily lives, we compete for vital resources such as water. Climate change urges us to collaborate and find solutions. How can we approach this ‘game’ differently? (max 15 participants)

Chill Out Area, Colab
11:00 – 12:00 Uhr
by Chris Shuttleworth and David Perry from Mastermind

This workshop offers a unique opportunity to discover the transformative power of mastermind sessions. Learn how exchanging diverse perspectives can help you tackle professional challenges and unlock your full potential.

In this interactive workshop, the fundamental principles of mastermind sessions will be introduced and deepened through practical exercises. Participants will learn how to benefit from the diversity of group perspectives to develop innovative solutions and achieve personal goals.

This workshop is designed for professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders who wish to enhance their skills in collaborative thinking and problem-solving. It is suitable for both participants with prior experience in mastermind sessions and newcomers who wish to familiarize themselves with the concept.

The workshop will be led by experienced coaches and will combine short lectures with interactive group activities. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, experiment, and develop new perspectives in a safe and supportive environment.

12:00-13:00/14:00 Uhr

Community Salon, Colab
12:00 – 13:00 Uhr
by Cindy König and Claudia Hiltl from Nutrition Zurich and Nuuro

Join us as we simplify the science of healthy nutrition and explore the powerful role of AI. Cut through the confusion and information overload, and challenge your daily habits! Leave with knowing which choices make the most impact on your health and the tools to help you do it right!

C2, Colab
12:00 – 14:00 Uhr
by Katarina Hagstedt from Tinka Media

In today’s attention economy it can be hard to stand out of the noise, and share our voice.

In this session you get performance from change makers who worked on their podcast projects this spring, rethinking how they use their personal voice and storytelling to enhance their mission while improving their podcasts:

  • Emotions of changework with Michelle Grant
  • Water Scarcity with Evgenia Tsianou
  • Intuitive Leadership with Heidi Hauer
  • Workplace Psychological Safety with Jay H

They will perform a part of their podcast live for you followed by a discussion on what they learned in using their voice and shaping a story in this way.
This session is great for any change maker who is curious in how their own story can help leverage the message of their mission, and it is guided by award-winning podcast producer Katarina Hagstedt.

Loft Corner, Colab
12:00 – 14:00 Uhr
by Karime Abib from AdvantiKA GmbH – Responsible Results

Are you a startup founder, project leader, executive, entrepreneur or change-maker looking to make a real impact? This workshop is tailored specifically for those ready to lead revolutionary changes within their organizations and industries.
What’s at Stake: A transformative journey designed to develop key conscious leadership skills, necessary for transforming businesses into forces for good. It focuses on real-world strategies that drive sustainability and foster innovation based on inner growth.
What You’ll Gain: This session isn’t just about theory—it’s a hands-on experience with advanced problem-solving tools and collaborative techniques designed to tackle global challenges. Dive deep into the Inner Development Goals (IDG) and align your actions with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Planetary Boundaries. Expect a systemic, visionary approach that’s deeply rooted in conscious and resilient leadership.

13:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Community Salon, Colab
13:00 – 15:00 Uhr

Join us for an engaging workshop format on “Driving Circular Economy through Inclusive Cultures.”

In this interactive session, we will explore how fostering inclusive cultures within organizations can play a pivotal role in advancing circular economy initiatives.

Lara, an expert in Circular Economy Transition, and Merle, an expert in Diversity and Entrepreneurship, will share their latest insights on Circular Economy, illuminating the transformative power of inclusivity.

Engage in a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring circular pioneers from diverse industries, offering unique perspectives on the interplay between inclusivity and circularity. In the latter half, you can participate in a moderated networking session, where you can forge valuable connections within the ecosystem while gaining practical insights on circular economy and inclusivity.

By the end of the workshop, participants will have a deeper understanding of how inclusive cultures can serve as a catalyst for driving circular economy practices and will leave with practical strategies for fostering inclusivity within their organizations to create a more sustainable future.

Don’t miss out—join us for enriching discussions and collaborative exploration!

Couch Corner, Colab
13:00 – 14:00 Uhr
by Federica Bruzzone from Identity Creative Studio

This workshop isn’t about finding a date—it’s about making your brand the obvious choice for your audience.

You will learn how branding is like dating, focusing on first impressions, targeting the right audience, and building lasting connections.

Join our 45-minute session to gain insights into branding, make your brand more relatable, and learn powerful strategies to engage your audience. The session includes a presentation and an interactive workshop designed to elevate your brand.

Transform your brand and connect with your audience now.

See you there!

Chill Out Area, Colab
13:00 – 14:00 Uhr
by Charlène Guillaume from Yoga Charlène

Mindfulness at work – during this 45 min workshop, you will have a short intro to mindfulness and explore some techniques such as conscious breathing and guided meditation. Mindfulness refers to the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever you’re doing at the moment, without judgment, being simply in the here and now.

Especially as entrepreneurs, you may be even more confronted with the fluctuation of intense emotions in your job, whether during a big success or strong moment of doubts. Introducing more mindfulness into our lives can help us to manage moments of stress, doubts, in a more conscious way, by balancing our emotions, our state of mind and, finally, our decision-making abilities.

This workshop is for everyone curious to learn more about the topic of mindfulness and its techniques.

14:00 - 15:00 Uhr

Couch Corner, Colab
14:00 – 14:00 Uhr
by Raphael von Thiessen from Standortförderung Kanton Zürich

Mit der Innovation-Sandbox stärken wir den KI-Standort. Wir bieten einen sicheren Raum, um KI-Projekte unter realen Bedingungen zu testen. Bei uns arbeiten Wirtschaft, Forschung und Verwaltung eng zusammen, um rechtliche Fragen zu klären und öffentliche Datenquellen für KI-Innovation zu nutzen. Von Smart Parking über Maschinelle Übersetzungen bis hin zu KI-Korrekturen an Primarschulen – Wir realisieren KI-Projekte und teilen unsere Erkenntnisse mit der Öffentlichkeit.

Loft Corner, Colab
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
by UWS (United Women Switzerland) x cloudburst

Sharing knowledge and learning from each other about conscious material choices and how our choices can affect the environment and social communities. This is for anyone who loves design and wants to make a personal difference.

C2, Colab
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
by Katharina Herzog and Diana Cianelli Gabriel from our Community of Practice “Learning and Education for Sustainable Development”

Since the beginning of the year we are facilitating a community of practice on “Learning and Education for Sustainable Development (and Regeneration)”
A community of practice is a place for practitioners and people interested in the topic to share their experience, learn together and support each other.
But what does a community of practice need to thrive?
And how can it create ripples of positive impact for sustainability?
In this session we are going to explore together the elements and qualities of a learning culture, that cultivates a sustainable and regenerative future

Chill Out Area, Colab
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
by the Mastermind Coaches 

Das Format Mastermind bietet eine einzigartige Plattform, auf der Mitglieder ihre Herausforderungen teilen und kollektive Lösungen finden können. Durch den Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrungen entsteht ein starkes Netzwerk, das die individuelle und gemeinschaftliche Entwicklung fördert. Eine engagierte und sich austauschende Community ist der Schlüssel zu Innovation und Erfolg. Sie ermöglicht es den Mitgliedern, von den Perspektiven und dem Wissen anderer zu profitieren, was letztlich zu nachhaltigem Wachstum und einer stärkeren Gemeinschaft führt.

15:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Loft Corner, Colab
15:00 – 16:00 Uhr

“We believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. That’s why we need to work together.”

Discuss with us what collaboration means to you, learn how different partnership models at Impact Hub Zürich look like and meet some of our partners at this workshop.

Couch Area, Colab
15:00 – 16:00 Uhr
by Jordan Kouto from Kouto Alternative Building

Durch die Verwendung alternativer Materialien und Techniken ist es möglich, einen bewussten und alternativen Lebensstil zu führen und diesen auf nachhaltige Baulösungen anzuwenden.
Kouto Alternative Building lädt die Besucher ein, an drei Stationen Muster regenerativer Baustoffe zu ertasten, Lehm zu verputzen und die Prinzipien der Baubiologie zu entdecken.

Community Salon, Colab
15:00 – 17:00 Uhr
by Martin Feuz and Daniel Boos 

In the fast-paced world of innovation, everyone’s got an opinion, but for entrepreneurs and innovators, there’s one golden rule:

“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”

That’s where Evidence-based Innovation comes in—your ticket to making waves and leaving guesswork behind.

Join our workshop and dive deep into this game-changing approach. Say goodbye to blind leaps and hello to decisions rooted in solid evidence. Ready to fuel your startup’s success? Let’s go!

C2, Colab
15:00-16:00 Uhr
by Cindy König and Claudia Hiltl from Nutrition Zurich and Nuuro

Join us as we simplify the science of healthy nutrition and explore the powerful role of AI. Cut through the confusion and information overload, and challenge your daily habits! Leave with knowing which choices make the most impact on your health and the tools to help you do it right!

16:00 - 17:00 Uhr

C2, Colab
16:00 – 17:00 Uhr
by Mastermind

Mastermind group (by Napoleon Hill) concept at Impact Hub in Zurich. Get advice & food for thought by 4 experienced coaches for your business! (In D or E)

Take your chance to experience the Mastermind group concept at Impact Hub in Zurich. Yes, the one developed by Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and grow rich”!

4 experienced Business and Start up Coaches give you advice on issues or questions in your business. Tap into the expertise of Chris, David, Martin and Myrto!

Also when you don’t have a question, you are more than welcome to join. Take away insights for you from other Impact Hubbers ‘cases.

The cases can be brought forward in German or English.

Chill Out Area, Colab
16:00 – 17:00 Uhr
by Charlène Guillaume from Yoga Charlène

Mindfulness at work – during this 45 min workshop, you will have a short intro to mindfulness and explore some techniques such as conscious breathing and guided meditation. Mindfulness refers to the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever you’re doing at the moment, without judgment, being simply in the here and now.

Especially as entrepreneurs, you may be even more confronted with the fluctuation of intense emotions in your job, whether during a big success or strong moment of doubts. Introducing more mindfulness into our lives can help us to manage moments of stress, doubts, in a more conscious way, by balancing our emotions, our state of mind and, finally, our decision-making abilities.

This workshop is for everyone curious to learn more about the topic of mindfulness and its techniques.

Couch Corner, Colab
16:00 – 17:00 Uhr
by Yves Hoffmann from EnableMe Foundation

1 in 6 employees today experience a significant disability – yet their inclusion in the workplace is still lagging behind. Organisations who create inclusive environments can tap into significant productivity, innovation and ultimately profitability gains.

This workshop is for everybody who is interested in making their organisation more inclusive as it provides a topical introduction and outlines key steps to take on both organisational and individual levels as well as an open Q&A session.

Tour de Colab

Auer&Co, Colab
11:00 – 11:30 Uhr

Get to know the Impact Hub Zürich at our Tour de Colab and learn who we are, what we do and how we can support you.

Auer&Co, Colab
12:00 – 12:30 Uhr

Get to know the Impact Hub Zürich at our Tour de Colab and learn who we are, what we do and how we can support you.

Auer&Co, Colab
14:00 – 14:30 Uhr

Get to know the Impact Hub Zürich at our Tour de Colab and learn who we are, what we do and how we can support you.

Auer&Co, Colab
16:00 – 16:30 Uhr

Get to know the Impact Hub Zürich at our Tour de Colab and learn who we are, what we do and how we can support you.

Auer&Co, Colab
17:00 – 17:30 Uhr

Get to know the Impact Hub Zürich at our Tour de Colab and learn who we are, what we do and how we can support you.

Open Hub Day

Experience what the Impact Hub Zurich is all about on June 7th and register below!

Register Now!